Car City Central

Pros and Cons Of Buying A Used Car

Pros and Cons Of Buying A Used Car

When you’re in the market for a used car, the buying process isn’t quite the same as buying a new one directly off the assembly line. Used cars have a lot of benefits depending on what you’re looking at. There are a few notable benefits, and downsides, to buying a used car over a new one. The team at Car City Central lives and breathes used car sales so we’ve seen pretty much every situation — let’s condense that situation into its basics.

Used Cars Are Cheaper

Have you ever heard the phrase that a “brand-new car loses half its value as soon as you drive it off the lot”? It might not always be that dramatic, but it’s often the case that you’re getting a much better value with a used car, even one that’s just a year or two old. New cars are marked up higher, and you certainly pay the price to be its first owner. In contrast, a used car has already taken that hit and you’re paying a much fairer market price.

Lower Insurance Rates

Owning a used car comes with many advantages, one of the most noticeable being lower insurance rates. Used cars are already depreciated and valued less, which means insurance companies will offer you a much cheaper premium than they would for a brand-new car. This can help you save money in the long run and make owning a used car even more affordable.

May Not Have the Latest Technology

Car technology improves exponentially. Whereas a few decades ago the innovation may have been electric-powered windows, nowadays it’s more like massage seats and even autonomous driving. If you’re the type of person who likes to be an early adopter of technology, a used car may not have all the bells and whistles you’re looking for.

Used Cars May Not Have Factory Warranties

One benefit of buying new cars is that there’s a lot of dealer support if anything goes wrong. That means warranties, repairs, inspections, and oil changes might come free or discounted for a couple of years after you buy that new car.

You can make a very proud financial decision when you decide to purchase a used car over a new one. There are a lot of benefits, especially when it comes to cost savings. You may face a few downsides like a lack of brand-new technology and lack of dealership support, but it’s up to you to weigh the costs. Some people really prefer paying a premium for a new car in order to achieve maximum utility and comfort, along with the peace of mind that comes with dealership support. On the other hand, if you’re a highly independent car owner who makes purchasing decisions for the sake of value alone, you can swing in the other direction and find a high-quality pre-owned car. There’s definitely a difference between a good used car and a “lemon” (a used vehicle with fatal flaws) so it’s also important to thoroughly inspect any used car you’re thinking of buying. At Car City Central, we’re committed to making sure you get the best used car for your needs and budget. Visit our location or drop us a line — we’ll be in touch as soon as possible!